After my experience with the foul-mouthed crowd of people who call themselves musicians these days, I thought it would be a while before taking in another concert. But as a dad with teen-agers who live for guitar licks and drum solos, it was not meant to be. This weekend, the little loaf pinchers drug me to Baton Rouge's answer to Jazz Fest. A weekend of free music in the streets of downtown.The handsome dude pounding the skins is the Littlest Loar-Pincher. He and his band, High Voltage, took the kids stage for a four-song set. At 13, he's the old man of the group. The singer rings in at the tender age of 11.They're part of Baton Rouge Music Studio'sYoung Band Development Program. A chance for young musicians to shine outside their school band program. Besides music, the kids get a taste of what it's like to be in a band. Rehearsals, conflicts, communication, everything but the seedy dives and broken-down vans. And there's no greasy manager trying to rip them off.What's in their song set? Metallica? Disturbed? Kanye? Brittney Spears? Nah, these kids go in for the classics. Stuff written before they were even a thought. hell, I was barely older than an embryo when this stuff was written. But The Beatles are timeless.
Hard to believe how much he's grown since I first met him. He's rockin' hard on those drums. I hope I can do as well with mine as you've done with yours.
This is fiction. It comes directly from the empty space between my two ears. It never happened. The characters are a figment of my imagination. The situations are not real. The actions, views, opinions, statements, thoughts and other ramblings do not reflect the views or opinions of my employer, or any other real human being or entity.It's fiction, remember.
...slang we tv photogs use for one who turns an utterly worthless story into something that sticks to video tape. Be careful or you'll get some on you. I've been spewing facts across the screen since 1990. This is pure fiction -- never happened -- straight from the fertile mind of a crappy cameraman.
s pretty effin' cool. My compliments to the Littlest Loaf Pincher
Rock On Loaf Pincher!!!!
Roll on young man. Nice job. Where's he get the talent? Must be his mom.
Hard to believe how much he's grown since I first met him. He's rockin' hard on those drums. I hope I can do as well with mine as you've done with yours.
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